As part of the 37th Austrian International Storytelling Festival (AISF), initiated by fairy tale poet and storyteller Folke Tegetthoff, GRAZ ERZÄHLT will once again present the modern diversity of storytelling from May 15th to 20th. With international artists from storytellers to poetry slam, puppet and shadow theater as well as dance, acrobatics and music.

In addition to Graz, the festival also takes place in Weiz, Bruck/Mur, Bad Radkersburg and Bad Schönau, with programs for young and old – from the Long Night of Stories to the Festival of Fantasy for families.

Here are some event recommendations for those who don’t speak German:

Within the Storytelling Festival, we’ve curated a range of events designed with non-German speakers in mind.

Geschichtenweltreise (Stories around the world)

Oriental, Indian, African and Jewish storytelling

The most spectacular, funny, emotional and exciting stories have been collected around the globe over many centuries – we want to listen to them for an entire evening and be enchanted by them! It’s no secret that stories have the magic to take us to distant places. However, far too many of them are still hidden and just waiting to finally be told!

Join us on a journey through oriental, Indian, African and Jewish storytelling and let us explore the differences and similarities of the great world cultures together. You can expect storytelling in its purest form, accompanied by world music.


Diane Ferlatte – Storyteller (USA)

Cho Kairin – Acrobat (China)

Mona Matbou Riahi – Clarinet (Iran)

Raphael Rodan & Sahand Sahebdivani – Storytellers (Israel & Iran)

Anjali Radha – Dancer & Storyteller (India)

Jelena Popržan – Viola, Singing, Gesang, Looper, Mouth Violin (Serbia)

Friday, 17. May 2024

19.30, Schauspielhaus Graz 

All Infos: Geschichtenweltreise 

Programm in English Language!

Klangklamm (Sound Gorge): Free entry!

When? Saturday, 18th may between 10am – 4pm 

Where? Kesselfallklamm, Semriach 

Sometimes you don’t need a big stage to marvel at the most beautiful stories. It’s enough to go out into the countryside and see what our earth has to offer.

For one day, the Kesselfallklamm becomes a “sound gorge” for the whole family. We want to make this great place, this magical piece of nature, resonate – we want to give the gorge a voice and merge it with its and other sounds and make it audible. Listen to a total of 5 sound stations while hiking through the gorge…

Suitable for ages 8 and up. Walking time around 1.5-2 hours. This program item is canceled in case of bad weather.

All Infos:

Other events (German)

SCHULE DES ZUHÖRENS: Steiermarkweit | 11. März – 22. März 2024

Geschichtenbäume: Tummelplatz, Graz | 25. April – 20. Mai 2024

Matineen der Geschichten : Schauspielhaus, Graz | 15. Mai – 17. Mai 2024

Story to Grow: Skyroom, Styria Media Center, Graz | Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2024

Podiumsdiskussion: Zuhören für die Zukunft: Skyroom, Styria Media Center, Graz | Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2024

And more…

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